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The Sean Flannery Podcast

Aug 31, 2022

In todays show I was joined by Nutritionist Kate Mcdaid. 

We discussed: 

1, Kates early years 

2, Advice with dealing with stress/emotional eating

3, Why "Diets" fail and is it purely a education problem or is there more to it ? 

4, Top 3 things to focus on each and every week to maximise performance in the gym, in...

Jul 29, 2022

In this weeks show I sat down with Larry Doyle. Larry is a highly respected coach in Ireland and someone who I’ve been following for years.

This episode is jam packed full of wisdom, knowledge & experience. So make sure to have a pen & paper ready.

We discussed:

1, Larry's background & reasons for getting into...

May 20, 2022

In today's show I was delighted to be joined by Luke Madden who is a trainer and online coach from Lisburn. 

We discussed a whole host of different topics ranging from muscle building, meal prep on a budget, stress management techniques and so much more. 

Thank you as always for taking the time to listen to todays...

May 5, 2022

In todays show, I was delighted to be joined by current coaching client Barry. 

We discussed a number of different topics such as the power of a postive attitude, the fitness "transition" over the years and so much more that I know you will find both relatable and helpful.

If you found value in todays show don't be...

Mar 10, 2022

In this episode, I sat down with good friend and former coaching client Anthony. 

We discussed a range of topics such as our thoughts on cardio vs weights, overrated / underrated and how to maintain a social life and still hit body composition goals.

And much more... 

I hope you enjoy the show and if you any questions...